Friday, April 1, 2011

Be careful what you wish for

Well, we did want it warmer, but not quite so warm. According to the Weather Stations thermometer it was 105 in the shae this afternoon. Now it is down to 98 (with an 8% humidity). I have always been very hesitant about using air conditioning. I don't like the sound and then I never get used to the warmth. But today I had another reason, besides the heat, to turn on the AC. Last night Bob was sick all night. He vomited at least 6 times. Then in the morning it did not get better. I went for a one hour walk and he told me that he did it three more times. I finally went to WalMart and got some meds, some ginger ale, and some saltines. I don't know what worked, maybe just time, but he was better by about noon. He thought he had a fever so I gave him some DayQuil. I then went to the pool and sat in the sun and in the pool for about 2 hours. I figured that was enough for this white skinned lady. When I came back Bob told me that he had had an accident in his jammies and had put them in the hamper in the bathroom. Well this is a very tiny bathroom and when I stuck my head in, it stunk. I turned on the fan and put in a smelly candle, but it did not help. So in this heat, I trudged over to the laundry and did all our laundry. (It was time anyway, but I was hoping for cooler weather.) The good news is that our AC is really working well and that is helping Bob. He is feeling better. Tomorrow is another day.

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