Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting closer

It is starting to get closer. Today the weather was pretty nice, so Bob and I loaded the scooters on to the back of Hank (the Ford pickup). Bob had the idea that we should load then in with the front facing the end of the pickup. then he thought that the wind would not bother the back boxes so much. But, they just don't fit that way. So we loaded one, then unloaded it and reloaded it. We were pretty tired when we finished. It will get easier as we get better at this - I hope. We also loaded the chests that go in between the scooters and Bob chained them down and locked them in place. My only concern is that it will be such trouble to unload the scooters that we will not do it very often. I hope that won't be true.

Tomorrow we will go shopping for new batteries for the trailer. The old ones are getting weak and neither of us want to take a chance. Tomorrow we will also clean our house and do laundry - which means that we will be really close to being fully packed. It is getting closer.

1 comment:

  1. It's getting CLOSER! Just some days! How exciting, even though I'll really REALLY miss you!
