Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hanging out in the Bay Area

We are now here in the Bay Area with Ira and Cathie. We have spent a lot of time catching up and comparing grandbaby pictures and stories. It has stopped raining and the sky is blue and the temp is about 60 degreees. Very comfortable. The trailer and the pickup are parked in the parking lot and look like they are pretty safe. Last night we went out for dinner and had some really great Thai food. Just hanging out today and then leave tomorrow for Agua Caliente. I feel very mellow and laid back and am thoroughly enjoying having no appointments or responsibilities.

Bob wants everyone to know that I am still forcing him to exercise. In fact, yesterday at the campground I made him do it in what he calls rain. It was actually a very light mist, but we did get wet. It was funny watching people watch us. Maybe we will start a new trend?


  1. Hahaha! I can totally picture you two doing exercise in the mist with people looking at you like you're nuts and Dad complaining, and YOU thinking "this isn't RAIN and this is barely exercise, what's the big deal?" :-D

    Have fun with my cousins and talk to you soon!

  2. You are both a little nutty, ya' know???

  3. I do know that we are nutty. We did our ewxercises again this morning and no one watched.
