Saturday, June 19, 2010

Be careful what you wish for

The storm last night was pretty fierce. The wind was really strong but there was not much rain. Just strong wind and humidity. We had the air conditioning on in the trailer so I went outside for a walk (I hate air conditioning.) I saw fields full of fireflies. I remember them from my childhood and have not seen them at all since I moved west. It was like a visual symphony in the fields. I just stood there and took it in for a while and loved the moment.

We kept the air on until the temp outside got down to the high 70's then we turned it off. It was still hot and uncomfortable during the night. Bob got up ahead of me and turned the air on immediately. When I got up at 7 am the humidity was 97%. Let me say that again, the humidity was 97%. (We know that because we got this really cool indoor outdoor thermometer that also gives us the humidity.) It was so humid it just drained the strength out of me. We sat for a while in the cool trailer and finally got moving. Neither of us had any energy to do anything in the humidity so we just went to the beach. Nice beach. Nice day at the beach.

Looking forward to Michigan. It will be sunny but not so warm and less humidity. I am really spoiled living in Oregon - when we have warm temps it is not so bad because the humidity is really low. Bob and I noticed that the humidity does not seem to bother our fellow campers as much as it does us. They must be used to it. But this was a nice day and a nice campground.


  1. you know, I have never in my life seen fireflies? they sound really cool!

  2. I miss fireflies too, Mo (we called them 'lightening bugs' when I was a kid.

    As for the lovely combination of heat and humidity that east coast summers provide, all I can say is "yuck"! I remember weeks in Philadelphia when the temp and humidity would be the same (in the 90s), and I don't miss that one bit!

    I do, however, miss you!

  3. I love fireflies! We are looking forward to seeing you in Michigan!
