Monday, March 15, 2010

The bayou country

We only stayed in Lake Charles area one night and then we moved on to the bayou country. Before we left I made sure that I got some exercise. Bob is convinced that I am grouchy unless I get some exercise. Who knows, he is probably right. I walked for about an hour this morning and I do feel much better today. We drove about 100 miles to a state park that had good recommendations, but everyone mentioned how far it was from everything. Boy, they were right. The roads that we had to take were not on the map. It is about 20 miles from civilization along some very narrow roads. But the campground is nice and clean and beautiful (Just to make me feel really good about them, there is free wifi and free laundry. So I got clean clothes. Interesting, I get no cell phone service, but I do have free wifi.) The drive here was fascinating and well worth getting off the beaten track. I do get tired of interstate travel. When we travel the backroads we actually get so engrossed in what we are seeing that we turn of the audio books so that we can watch and talk about what we are seeing. I don't know how to describe the houses that we saw, but they were often falling apart and filthy. Yet people seemed to be working hard and happy. Of course, some of the houses were really big and gorgeous, but not many.

The weather is sunny and about 70 degrees during the day. The sky is a bright blue, and there is almost no wind. So Bob and I pulled down the bicycles and went riding around the campground. There is no destination for us to ride to, so we just went around the campground and admired the rivers and bayous. See pictures above.

It was warm enough that we grilled steaks and ate outside on the picnic table. We have not had much chance to do that because the weather has been so cold and windy until now. It was nice. We then had a campfire and sat and drank wine and just reminisced (did I spell that right?)
One interesting note is that I realize that I cannot keep track of where we have been. So I started writing on the calendar what cities we were in on what days. When I wrote it on the calendar yesterday I realized that we went on daylight savings time on Sunday and I did not realize it until Monday afternoon. Daylight savings time makes no difference to me if I don't have to go to work, meet anyone for lunch, or watch television. Interesting.


  1. 1. you are a TOTAL grouch if you don't get exercise. Just for the record... I don't usually say this but "Dad is right!"

  2. Two more things:
    2. I'm *so* glad you're finally getting some nice weather! about time!
    3. Daylight savings time makes no sense to me - and I do have to go to work, meet people for lunch, and keep a baby on a schedule! Silly PDT!!

  3. I am LOVING this blog, Mo!

    And it's funny, isn't it, when things like DST (or the day of the week, for that matter) just don't seem relevant anymore. Ah, retirement...
