Saturday, March 6, 2010

San Antonio

We are now in San Antonio, but first I have to talk about Austin. We went to Austin thinking that there would not be much to do there. Boy were we wrong. We stayed in a state campground about 4 miles south of the city. It was an easy shot to get to downtown Austin and we came in right up the main drag and got a great view of the capital building on top of the hill as we drove in. We went to the visitor center and signed up for a walking tour and a bus tour. We had alrady missed the tours for that day so we signed up for them the next day. We walked around the main drag a little and then went back to our campsite.

At this campground it was finally flat enough and warm enough for us to take out our scooters. we rode around the campground, which was fairly large and had two beautiful waterfalls. The hosts in the campground were right across from us. They were SO nice. We talked quite a bit and I actually spent a lot of time petting their dog. when we started unloading the scooters, the husband came out to see if we needed help. We do not need help unloading, but told him that we might need help loading. There were other people in the park that were from all over the country and very interesting. Like, the couple from Mississippi who had a very small tent trailer but had three dogs and four bicycles. We got into some interesting discussions about the south.

The tours were wonderful. The walking tour was really about the architecture of the city and how it has changed over the years. Then the bus tour (driven by a woman from Alabama with the thickest southern accent I have ever heard). We went went into what they call the hill county which is where the very very very rich live and she told us about all of the movie stars who have homes there (yawn). But it was pretty and I learned a little about the geology and the history of the area. Then we did a small tour of the University of Texas and the buildings around there. (That is when I thought that I wished we had another day. I forgot that the LBJ library was there and I would have loved to see it as well as the Texas Museum there. But not to be. Bob wanted to move on. He is getting a little bored with politics and museums he says.

Last evening one of the most interesting things happened. We were just finishing dinner and a car pulled up right alongside our campsite. A middle aged couple got out and were remarking about our trailer. I asked if they wanted to come in and see the inside. They were hesitant but then accepted the invitation. They asked a lot of questions. (They were certainly not the first to come see the inside - this small trailer is quite a curiosity). Bob and I finished dinner and the dishes and were sitting inside the trailer reading - it was completely dark outside. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The couple who had been there only about two hours before came to bring us a hot pecan pie. It was still hot. It was in a ceramic pie plate. I tried to refuse because I told her I could not return the pie plate. She told me to keep the plate. She said they were so appreciative of our hospitality. They had gone online and located a dealer who sold our trailers nearby and they were going to see him on Sunday. They wanted to thank us. I could not refuse. Well this was a pecan pie (she said "of course - this is Texas.") and some of you may know that my husband does not like pecan pies. I have been working very hard at losing weight and could not see myself eating the whole pie without putting on many pounds. I couldn't decide what to do. Bob suggested that we give it to our host. (He had come out again to help us as we loaded the scooters and was so nice.) So I went across the way and gave them the pie. They were so pleased because they were going to a family gathering today and they could bring the pie as their contribution. I came away from the experience just so impressed by the kindness of people.

We are now in a very nice park in San Antonio. The weather has been cloudy all day and just a little chilly, but not bad. We set up and I immediately did laundry - we were out of everything. We decided not to go into town today because, as it happens today is the anniversary of the Alamo (don't ask me which part, they just keep saying the anniversay.) So we are spending some time cooking a very large pot of chili to have for meals for the next few nights. Tomorrow we will take a bus tour and then decide if there is more that we want to see. I think we can do quite a bit here on our scooters. That would be nice.

It is very relaxing to me to be able to do nothing whenever I don't want to do anything. I am trying very hard to avoid the feeling that I have to be busy every minute. I think this trip would be exhausting. After I finish this blog I think I will take a walk. Apparently there is a 15 mile walk that takes off from this campground. I will take my camera and take pictures.

1 comment:

  1. How was the bus tour? I hear San Antonio is a great city, but I've never been... Looking forward to pix. :-)
