Friday, March 26, 2010

Sunshine and a leak repaired

Yesterday started out so beautiful. We got up and got on our bicycles and took a short ride through the park. There was a "nature trail" walk and we took that and biked around some more. We came back to the trailer and had lunch. The sky was starting to look black so we started picking up the stuff that could be hurt by rain. We got it all packed up just in time. It poured for about four hours. The really good news is that there were no leaks from the rain. (We have a leak in the plumbing under the sink, but that is a different matter.) We sat in the trailer and read and watched the areas that had leaked and read and watched the area that had leaked and read some more. We finally decided that it was not going to leak. By the time the rain stopped it was dinner time. Neither of us felt like cooking with everything so wet. We went out and had some great bar-b-que. Everything was really wet.
This morning started with very few clouds and an increasingly beautiful sky. I am amazed at how fast the weather changed here. I had a little problem this morning in that I went to take my shower at 8:15 am (the sign said that they cleaned the bathrooms from 9-10 so I was hurrying to get there in time). Well they decided that today was the day they would clean the grout and the bathroom was closed. I did not get my shower until after 10 am. (Bob keeps reminding me that on this trek I should keep in mind what we used to say when we were in Mexico - Don't let it get to you, this is Mexico.) It did get to me. But after I finally got my shower I felt much better. We then walked down to the beach and decided that we wanted to spend the day there. There really is not much else to do here but enjoy the beach.

By this time, it was just about 11 am and I knew that Bob would soon be wanting food and we did not have any. So we came back to the site. I made sandwiches and Bob went to Wal-Mart across the street from the park and he got us some beach chairs. We spent the rest of the day on the beach enjoying the sunny day and the beautiful sandy beach. It was glorious. Leftover bar-b-que for dinner tonight and we leave early tomorrow morning. It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of March.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a pretty day! And wow, look how long your hair is getting! :-D

    Give Aunt Lee a hug from us!
