Saturday, May 29, 2010

Provincetown and such

We drove along the cape into Provincetown. I have to say that I was not overwhelmed. The drive was pretty and you could see the ocean and the bay at the end. But the parking was nonexistent or very expensive. We tried to find a place to stop and really didn't see anything that made it worthwhile to pay the exhorbitant parking rates. So we kept driving and started back. It was less than 30 miles and we can come back if we want to see something.
We wanted to find a restaurant to stop and have lunch. There were many restaurants that had take out only. There were lots of pizza places - not what we had in mind. The one restaurant we found in Truro said that they did not start serving lunch until noon and it was only 11:35. We could walk around the very tiny downtown or we could sit there and wait. We decided to move on. Another restaurant which billed itself as a bakery and bistro had no place to sit down inside and all of the outside tables were full. They only had sandwiches anyway. We finally found a small Thai restaurant. Let me say that Thai food (Asian food actually) is not the same on the east coast as it is in Portland. Disappointing.
We decided that since it was a warm day that we would go back to the beach. That was lovely. We watched the tide go out pretty dramatically and you could see the vary large expanse of sand with grass. We sat in the sun and watched the many children playing in the shallow water and having a great time. We listened to teenage girls on a blanket nearby discuss things that they knew nothing about. (Was I ever really that young and silly?)
I realized that we were watching the west and that the sun would be going down right over the bay. So I suggested that we come back and watch the sunset. Bob insisted that we were looking north not west. It didn't matter what map I showed him or what logic I used-he insisted that he was right. But he agreed that after dinner we would come back and watch and see who was right.
Guess who? We did watch a really pretty sunset. I do like the sunsets that are absolutely clear and you can watch the sun slip into the ocean. This was not one of those. This was one with a few clouds at the horizon and it was also very lovely. While we were sitting and holding each other (it was pretty cold) we would cuddle and kiss every once in a while. I heard a camera click behind me and turned to the young man and wanted to know if we should get out of his way. He replied that we were actually the subject of his picture. He got some of us just being together and promised to email them to me. All in all a very pleasant way to end a day.
This morning Bob and I both felt lazy and like we did not want to do much. I really wanted to clean the trailer. It gets pretty dirty. So I dusted, swept, mopped, and scrubbed and it feels much better. I doubt that we will do much today but enjoy being here and the pleasant weather. The campground is not nearly as full as I thought it would be. Apparently it is still very early in the season. They do have a very short season. We do need lazy days like this regularly.

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