Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two nights of music

For the most part Bob and I have not been doing anything after dinner except be in the trailer or sit around the campfire. We read, play games, or watch DVDs. Earlier this week I saw that one of the nearby restaurants was having a jazz band last night. It was a small trio. We went and had wine and tasty finger food and listened for about an hour. They weren't great. It was the kind of music that tends to be in the background and there were a lot of people talking over it. But it was an enjoyable evening.

Most campgrounds have bulletin boards in the laundry area. I guess that they figure you will read the stuff while you are waiting for the machines. I do read the notices. Up until now the events being described are never while we are in the area. Today I noticed a flyer for a group called "O'Challah." They were billed as a combination of Jewish klezmer music (hence the challah) and Irish music (hence the O') It was free and at the National Seashore info center about a mile from here. So we went. It was excellent. What a great combination. Hebrew, Irish, Yiddish, Serbian, American, and Macedonian music. Some sing-a-long - especially the Hebrew stuff (Shalom Havarim to start off). I got the info on the group. There is apparently a CD available and I will look for it.

What is an interesting twist is that as Bob and I were sitting watching the violin, guitar, clarinet, mandolin, and flute, both of us were thinking that we want to make sure that our grandson learns to play a musical instrument. He is already showing great interest in music. It is such a great way to express yourself. I will figure out a way.

Another interesting thing is how Jewish music is the same everywhere and Jewish people. I connected with the Jewish woman of the group (who played the violin) immediately and we had a great conversation after the show. It reminds me of how my daughter said that the Passover seders in Rome were the same as the seders in Portland. How does that happen?

The rest of the day was quiet. I Skyped with daughter and grandson this morning. (He is getting cuter every day.) The sun was out and the temperature was perfect. We had planned to go on a bike ride, but we were both reading interesting books. We just sat in the shade and read and laughed and watched the world go by. We need to do this more often. As one of my sisters keeps reminding me, my husband is 81. I do have to give him some time to recover. I think that he is feeling much better after almost two days of just relaxing. Good. (Cause I am ready to roll again.)

1 comment:

  1. the grandson loves to "play" Daddy's guitar. We have some little plastic drum sticks and he hits the strings while Daddy presses on the frets to make chords for him. Very cute. And you should see his little hips go back and forth when he's dancing. Even cuter. :D
